“May you also be true evangelizers!
May your initiatives be ‘bridges,’ means of bringing others to Christ, so as to
journey together with him, And in this spirit may you always be attentive
in charity. Each individual Christian and every community is missionary
to the extent that they bring to others and live the Gospel, and testify
to God’s love for all, especially those experiencing difficulties.”- Pope
Francis, Homily, May 5
Evangelization: It's necessary.
Not only to get people to meet Jesus, or to get them closer to Him, but because He commanded us to do so it's also necessary for us in order to come closer to Him ourselves. By spreading His good news, the news of His life, death, and resurrection, the news, simply put, of His infinite, sacrificial, completely endless love for every single person, we ourselves come closer to Him by doing His will.
Saint Paul knew this for sure, traveling all over the Roman world to tell people about the Lord Jesus Christ, about His redemption and the salvation now possible. He endured a lot of trials everywhere he went, all for the sake and glory of Christ. This environment is the same for us today, especially in this postmodern world.
So the question is... How can we do Jesus' command to bring the world to Him and His Father and the Holy Spirit? This series will hopefully help to answer this question! Stay tuned and enjoy!
St. Paul, and all of you holy men and women, please pray for us!
(Please, all of you readers, pray for the writers of this page!)
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