The evangelization series has ended on this page.
Fortunately, our command to evangelize never ends! We are always called to do God's will in every way He wants whenever He wants, to be completely in love with Him and to bring others to be the same!
There were four articles in this series, and in each of them we writers of the page were hoping to share something incredibly important to do God's will. Each of the themes are important to interacting with others to call them to God their Lover.
First, joy is necessary to interact with a world that has lost its true joy, it's hope, it's wonder. To sing, smile, laugh, to dance, jump for joy, to live in God's happiness is so crucial to telling and showing others the love of God, of the Lord Jesus Christ, because it's what everyone both wants and needs.
Second, carrying our own crosses is always necessary, because it is the main way we show others the love of Christ, the Son of God Who died on the Cross for all of us. The trials we go through, the pits and peaks we cross, everything that comes our way; God can and will keep us safe and strong, able to keep carrying the cross we've been given!
Third, serving the poor and the needy, the despairing and the lonely, is our command, and unless we live in a contemplative monastery, it is how we carry our crosses; for others. God always desires so much to have His love be received by all of us, not only in the Eucharist, Scripture, the other Sacraments, but especially through our works and service to others, especially those who need it the most.
Fourth, as we serve and work, we must always be prepared to share the truth of the Lord Jesus with anyone who seems to be seeking it. We must love truth and live it for the sake of helping to bring ourselves and others to Truth Himself, for that is what humans desire more than anything: To live and love in and for Truth, even when they run away from Him. That's where we come in, as God's messengers of truth!
So, as we are commanded, let us live out all of these in love for the sake of God's passionate love and glory!
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